Servsig2022 Glasgow Scotland, 16-18 June

Conference Committee

Left to right, Matthew Alexander, Juliette Wilson, Eleni Tsougkou

Dr Matthew Alexander

Dr Matthew Alexander is a Reader in the Department of Marketing since 2009. His research interests are focused on Service Research around the opportunities and challenges associated with an increasingly knowledgeable and proactive customer base. A key focus is research on engagement, a concept capturing the blurring of boundaries between firms and customers, and aggregates the multiple ways customer behaviours beyond transactions influence firms and shape markets. He has published widely in a range of Marketing, Service and Tourism journals including Journal of Service Research, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management, European Journal of Marketing and Journal of Service Management.

Dr Juliette Wilson

Juliette is a Reader in the Department of Marketing. Her research interests are focused on exploring the role of networking and wider market practices of small and medium sized firms. Within this field I have particular interest in hybrid organisational structures and alternative and nonmainstream markets. She has extensive research expertise in the Food and Drink sector where I have worked with large and small companies, both nationally and internationally, examining issues related to relative competitiveness and growth strategies and was appointed as expert budget adviser to the Scottish Government in 2017. She has published in leading business journals including the International Journal of Management Reviews, Technological Forecasting and Social Change and International Small Business Journal.

Dr Eleni (Lenia) Tsougkou

Dr Eleni (Lenia) Tsougkou is a Lecturer in Marketing at the Department of Marketing since 2018. Her primary research interest lies in international marketing and its intersection with entrepreneurship and innovation. She is additionally interested in marketing and branding across countries and contexts, using alternative ways (e.g. brand activism), new technologies (e.g. AR) and channels (e.g. social media) both from a producer/company side but also from a consumer behaviour perspective. Eleni’s work has been published in the Journal of Business Research and is often presented at prestigious international conferences. During and in between her studies she gained work experience, both in the marketing side of the industry, as well as in the agency side, holding mostly account handling responsibilities.

Dr Amin Nazifi

Dr Amin Nazifi joined the Department of Marketing as a lecturer in October 2017. His research interests are focused on services marketing (service failure and recovery and service termination) and also the impact of new technologies such as Blockchain on customer loyalty and well-being. His research has been published in Journal of Service Research, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing and has also been presented at international marketing and service conferences. Prior to joining Strathclyde Business School, he was a doctoral researcher at the University of Edinburgh Business School. He has also worked for a number of years in the Financial Services, Non-profit and Tourism sectors in different countries prior to pursuing a career in Academia.

We are delighted to acknowledge the support of the following colleagues who form our 12th AMA Servsig International Committee.

Dr. Linda Alkire Texas State University
Dr. Nathalie Demoulin IESEG Paris
Prof. Elina Jaakkola Turku School of Economics
Dr Sertan Kabadayi Fordham University
Prof. Bart Larivierè Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven
Prof. Gaby Odekerken-Schröder Maastricht University
Prof. Rebekah Russell-Bennet Queensland University of Technology
Prof. Jochen Wirtz National University of Singapore